Well done!
You have now completed Session 2 of this Unit! During this Session, you have learned all about...
- Different biological factors that can affect growth and development of the child
- Different environmental factors that can affect growth and development of the child
- The short and long-term effect of these factors
- The way in which these factors may affect a child positively and negatively
You will be assessed on these topics at the end of your course. Click the button below to download a Learning Checklist – here, you can see a useful list of all of the learning points we have covered in this Session. Use the boxes to check and tick that you are confident with your learning in all of these areas, or if there are any areas you need to revisit.
Before you end this Session, test your knowledge with a quick quiz.
Use your mouse to click and drag the correct words to complete the following sentences
- Physical
- Characteristic
- Faulty
- Obesity
- Clothing
- Alleles
- Syndrome
- Overcrowded
- Housing
- Poverty
- A gene is a section of DNA which defines a particular . Genes have different versions, called .
- Occasionally, a chromosome, gene or allele may be inherited and this can cause the child to develop a genetic condition or disorder, such as cystic fibrosis or Down’s .
- Poor standards can have a negative impact on growth and development – for example, living space may be , giving the child very little space to move around, explore and enjoy physical play/exercise.
- If a child has limited access to opportunities for exercise, then they will find it difficult to exercise and move around freely. This can delay development and also increase risk of .
- can be harmful to all aspects of a child’s development – they may not have access to basic needs such as food, and shelter; and if they do have food, it may be that they have a poor diet (made up of cheaper, less nutritious food).