Well done!
You have now completed Session 1! During this Session, you have learned all about...
- Safe and hygienic working practices for the individual.
- Safe and hygienic working practices for the cooking environment.
- Hazards in the cooking environment (including different types of contamination, such as physical, chemical and biological).
- Different types of bacteria that can cause food to be unsafe to eat.
- High risk foods.
- Causes of food spoilage.
You will be assessed on these topics at the end of your course. Click the button below to download a Learning Checklist – here, you can see a useful list of all of the learning points we have covered in this Session. Use the boxes to check and tick that you are confident with your learning in all of these areas, or if there are any areas you need to revisit.
Before you end this Session, test your knowledge with a quick quiz.
Q1. Which of the following is an example of physical contamination? Tick to select one correct answer:
Q2. From the following list, tick to select the three examples of good personal hygiene when carrying out food preparation work and cooking:
Q3. Choose the correct option to match the description below:
“This is when harmful bacteria is transferred from one area of food to another.”